Welcome Back!   I hope everyone had an restful and enjoyable Christmas break.

Earth Science:  This week we will begin our chapter on Earthquakes.  We will discuss what earthquakes are and how they are measured.   There will be a quiz Friday (1/10) on sections 1 and 2.

Physical Science:  This week we will begin out chapter on the introduction to atoms.  We will discuss the development of the atomic theory as well as the atom itself.  There will be a quiz Friday (1/10) on sections 1 and 2.

Living Environment:  This week we will talking about the introduction to Genetics and DNA.  For genetics, we will discuss who Gregor Mendel is, patterns of inheritance, and meiosis. For DNA, we will discuss identifying the substance of genes, the structure of DNA, and DNA replication.   There will be quiz on Chapter 11 on Thursday (1/9).