“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.”Matt 16:13-18

I look forward to seeing you during Back to School Night.

* This week there will be a vocabulary test on unit 1 in the vocabulary books.
* September Book Approval slips were handed out and should have been returned by Monday, Sept 17. The book project is due on Tuesday, Oct. 9th.
* SUMMER READING WAS Due Friday. Points will be taken off for every day the project is late.

Grade 6: Students in 6th grade will work on vocabulary. We will read two autobiographies, “The Market Square Dog” and “Eleven”. Students will look at point of view and inference.

Grade 7: The seventh graders will read a poem by Langston Hughes “Mother To Son” and will study his use of metaphors. The students will also read a short story, Papa’s Parrot and review exposition.

Grade 8: We have started a unit on Civil War literature. We are reading an essay about Harriet Tubman and will read an excerpt of Frederick Douglass’ autobiography. Additionally, students will read a poem, “The Slave Mother.” If time permits we will read a short story, “The Battle of Shiloh.”

7th Grade Religion:
In 7th grade Religion we will discuss the prophet Jeremiah and creation. There will be a memory quiz on verse on page 17 in the workbook- John 20:31.