I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. Psalm 9:1

I want to thank you for your generosity and consideration this holiday season. I was totally surprised by the gifts. If you did not receive a thank you from me- I want to thank you here. There was one or two gifts without cards or tags. (Unfortunately, this happens every year)

Looking ahead: Midterms are Jan. 21-24 We begin reviewing next week.

December book projects are due on Tuesday, Jan. 7th. The February book project is due on Tuesday, Feb. 4.

There will be a Vocabulary Test – Unit 7 on Friday, Jan. 10. Eighth grade will have Unit 7 Spelling test on Tuesday, Tuesday, Jan. 3.

6th ELA Grade: We are going to write another essay to practice for the mid term- . We will read two sci fiction short story.

7th ELA Grade:
The class will finish writing an essay- and work on one. We will also read a short story, The Third Wish and talk about modern day fairy tales.

8th ELA Grade: We will write an essay and then read “The American Dream” by Martin Luther King, Jr. Spelling test Unit 7 on Tuesday Jan. 7.

7th Grade Religion We are beginning unit 4 this week. There will be a memory quiz on Thursday. Please see Google classroom…