Proverbs 18:24 A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

There will be a vocabulary test on unit 8 on Friday, Feb. 8th. Much of the homework will be the vocabulary.

January Book Projects are due on Wednesday, Feb. 6th. The form for March book reports will be out this week.

This week we are beginning our research papers. We are learning how to keep our notes organized, and how to research from books and websites.

Students will review the ways to avoid plagiarism.

Besides the research papers, the students will go over the vocabulary in class and review prepositions.

8th Grade ELA: Students in 8th grade will write a piece on a memory using imagery. This is due on Tuesday, Feb. 7th

7th Grade Religion:
We started unit 5 last week. Students will read about Gideon, the faith of the Centurion and Elijah. There will be a memory quiz on Thursday, Feb. 7 page 101 in the workbook- 2 Corinthians 5:17