This week we will be doing activities that will help us answer the following questions:

Kindergarten – 2nd grade

  • Can I move and tag safely without teacher reminders?
  • Can I talk about ways to be active outside of PE class?
  • Can I talk about why it’s important to be active?
  • Can I talk about activities that I like to do with others?

3rd grade – 5th grade

  • Can I combine locomotor and manipulative skills while playing invasion games?
  • Can I recognize the fitness components that relate to invasion games?
  • Can I identify fitness activities that will help improve my performance in invasion games?
  • Can I create an activity plan that includes fitness activities for improving my performance?

Middle School

  • How can I demonstrate my appreciation for physical activity experiences by actively engaging in skill development and cooperating with and encouraging my classmates?
  • Can I identify the components of skill-related fitness related to Ultimate?
  • Can I identify practice tasks and activities that develop and improve components of health- and skill-related fitness?
  • Can I compare and contrast the skill- and health-related fitness components related to Ultimate?

7th Grade Health

  • Can I demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors that will maintain or improve the health of myself and others?
  • Can I demonstrate behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks to myself and others?