This week we will be doing activities that will help us answer the following questions:

Kindergarten – 2nd grade

  • Can I move and play safely in different ways?
  • Can I show my body curling? Can I show it stretching?
  • Can I demonstrate twisting and bending?
  • Can I describe the difference between a twist and a bend?

3rd grade – 5th grade

  • What skills and concepts do I need to know in order to take charge of my personal fitness?
  • Can I choose different activities that demonstrate different health-related fitness components?
  • Can I complete fitness assessments accurately and with max effort?
  • Can I analyze the results of my fitness assessment and compare those results to healthy fitness zones?

Middle School

  • How does regular physical activity lead to a healthy body, and how can I build a physically active lifestyle?
  • Can I identify the food group for each of my favorite foods?
  • How can I balance healthy foods and snacks with daily physical activity in order to stay healthy and fit?
  • What is the relationship between poor nutrition and health risk factors?

7th Grade Health – Journal Entry 7 is due 10/23 by 8:15AM

  • Can I recognize that role-playing is an excellent tool to practice decision-making skills in real-life situations?
  • Can I recognize ways in which people make decisions?
  • Am I able to demonstrate and practice the decision-making process, using a decision-making model?
  • Do I understand that decisions can have long-term effects?