Welcome back for the final week of November! Here are the plans for the last few days before Thanksgiving.

6th Social Studies

In sixth grade, we are moving right along with our curriculum. We will be starting chapter 5, Ancient India, but we will only study the geography this week. After Thanksgiving, we will get into the history and culture.

6th Religion

The students will be taking their test on unit 1 on Wednesday, instead of Tuesday as I wrote last week. I felt that it was more important to take our time than rush through our work and miss out on important points. You may view the study guide here.

7th Social Studies

This week we will focus heavily on governance. The students will present their mock colonies on Monday, and then we will study how the American colonies were actually governed. We will also have a seminar discussion on the importance of freedom of the press/freedom of speech.

8th Social Studies

This week, our plans have changed slightly from what was written last week. We will be finishing up chapter 18 by studying how education and literacy changed American culture. The students will then take their chapter test after Thanksgiving. On a related note, we might have several future engineers in eighth grade- they were fascinated with the process of constructing subway tunnels and bridges, which led to some great impromptu research. Their curiosity was much appreciated during the lessons.

8th Religion

In eighth grade we are now into the book of Numbers, which does indeed contain an abundance of statistics, but it also has many stories that show God’s power and authority to His people. We will be learning about Aaron’s staff budding, as well as the people being healed by the serpent on the pole.


Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!