This week we are tying up loose ends before we start reviewing for final exams. Final review packets will be distributed after Memorial Day.

7th Social Studies

This week the students will be presenting their group projects. In addition to researching  and reporting on their topics, each group is also planning an activity for the class that will supplement the information they are presenting. The students have put a lot of work into their presentations,and I am looking forward to seeing their presentations!

8th Social Studies

On Thursday, the students will be taking their last chapter test, Chapter 25: The Cold War. Extra help will be on Thursday morning. You may view the study guide here.

8th Religion

In religion this week, we will be studying the Old Testament prophecies that foretold the birth of Christ, and then the actual birth of Christ. The students will take one last test on Unit 5 after Memorial Day, then we will begin reviewing for the final exam.