Greetings to all! This week, each class and subject will be beginning new topics.

7th Social Studies

On Tuesday, seventh grade will take their test on chapter 8. Extra help will be available on Tuesday morning. On Wednesday, we will begin studying the presidency of Thomas Jefferson. The students will learn about his policies, and then we will study the expedition of Lewis and Clark, arguably one of the biggest accomplishments of the Jeffersonian era.

8th Social Studies

This week the students will begin studying the Great Depression and how this financial crisis affected the lives of millions. Since the students are starting a new unit, no tests are scheduled int eh near future. However, the students must submit a copy of their research paper to me. Points will be taken off each day that it is late.

8th Religion

This week we will be delving into the books of the Bible that were written while the Israelites were in captivity, which will lead us up to studying the birth of Christ. Also, weekly memory quizzes are back. You may view the schedule here. The verse for the quiz this Wednesday is Romans 8:26, which can be found on page 99 of the student book, or here.