Hello Parents,

Welcome back, I hope everyone enjoyed the week off. On Friday, we are joining kindergarten in the singing bus driver in-school field trip.

Please send in money for the World’s Finest chocolate fundraiser as you have it. Thank you for your support of our school!

We are continuing with the theme, Imagine It Make It. The third unit is entitled, Things We Build.

BIG Idea: I can use different materials to make new things. Knowledge Focus: Children learn how imagination and creativity shape our world. Social-Emotional Focus: Initiative.

This week we will be reviewing letters A-S, numbers 1-16, and all the shapes that we have learned. We will be learning the letter Tt this week and the number 17. We are continuing to learn sight words which is the beginning step for early reading.

Stories: The 3 Little Pigs, White Rabbit’s Color Book, Alphabet Under Construction and Buildings.

Vocabulary Theme Words: construct, materials, invention, plan. Story Words Things We Build: bricks, churn, dip, fortune, logs, metal, sizzling, straw, tub.

Jesus Time: We will be learning about the feeding of the 5,000.

Pizza envelopes will be sent home on Monday and are due back on Thursday morning.



Tuesday-Gym (in the afternoon)



Friday-Library (in the morning)


Important Upcoming Dates:

Friday, March 13th-SCHOOL CLOSED-Staff Professional Development Day

Tuesday, March 17th- ECC Wear Green Day-St. Patrick’s Day

Friday, March 27th-ECC Spring Show

Thursday, April 9th-Friday, April 17th-SCHOOL CLOSED-Easter Break