Hello Parents,

This week we are starting a new theme, My family. The first unit, week 1, is entitled, Who’s In My Family. We will be discussing who is in each child’s family and their roles. This week’s scholastic reader is called Trees, Colorful Trees. We will be learning about the letter Ee, oval, the color orange and the number five. Mathematically, we will be exploring shapes in the Real World, names shapes, creating shapes. We will be reading several books including: Bear’s Busy Family, The Three Little Pigs, Daddy Calls Me Man and various seasonal books.

For Jesus time, we will continue to sing the songs: Jesus loves me, the B-I-B-L-E and My God is so Great. We are finishing up the theme, God created the world for us and we are creating our own Creation Books which will be coming home in the upcoming weeks.

Homework packets will be coming home on Monday and are due back on Friday. Please send in any communications, money, etc. inside your child’s folder inside of placing it loosely in their backpacks.

There is no pizza this week due to the pumpkin farm field trip on Friday. If you are bringing your child back to school after the Pumpkin Farm you MUST send lunch. 

The maintenance has been completed  and we are back at the big playground across the street. Please dress your child accordingly, we will be going out twice a day unless it is raining or the temperature drops below 40 degrees.

We will continuing to talk about the seasons and the changes we are seeing.

The “About Me” class book has begun circulating in the class, every child will have a turn to bring the binder home to learn about their friends. If you haven’t done so, please send in your child’s “about me” story and their picture to be included.

We will be baking pumpkin bread this week, thank you to Mrs. Sell for sending in the mix.

Please remove any papers that come home in your child’s folder daily, some are time sensitive.

Yankee Candle Fundraiser is in progress, please send in any orders.



Tuesday-Gym (in the afternoon)



Friday-Library (in the afternoon)

Thank you to all the parents who joined the class dojo. If you haven’t joined, please do so as that is the way I will communicate important information and dates. Please reach out to me through the class dojo or via email [email protected] if you have any questions.

Important Dates:

Tuesday, October 8th-Parent Night at 7pm

Friday, October 11th-Pumpkin farm field trip

Monday, October 14th-SCHOOL CLOSED-Columbus Day

Wednesday, October 23rd-Picture Day

Friday, October 25th-SCHOOL CLOSED-Teacher Professional Development