READING- The class is still learning reading skills presented in Lesson 21 from last week. Please refer to last weeks notes for further information.

MATH- The students continue to identify and describe three-dimensional shapes with our focus on the cone shape. We daily review the sphere, cube, and cylinder shapes. This week we will also compare and sort shapes as to whether they are a two or three-dimensional shape and we will use the terms above/below to describe shapes in the environment.

RELIGION- Our discussions will focus on telling the good news of Jesus death and resurrection, and the story of Doubting Thomas.

SCIENCE- Our focus continues to be on butterflies and projects that involve the story, The Hungry Caterpillar.

SOCIAL STUDIES- Our discussions this week will be on our holiday, Memorial Day.

HANDWRITING- We are reviewing the letters, G-g, J-j, and Q-q, and completing a page of missing lowercase letters in the alphabet sequence.


Tuesday, May 21, is our K-3 Spring Musical @ 7:00 P.M. “Dress up” clothes are to be worn for the performance.

Uniform shorts may be worn with sneakers to school. If your child is not wearing the shorts, shoes should be worn.


“They are the true disciples of Christ, not who know most, but who love most.”                                 Spanheim


Mrs. Uss