Welcome to Mrs. Flomer’s class notes!

Here’s a look at what we will be doing this week!

Spelling– The words for this week are: that, the, this, them, with,bath.  The “R” book words are: blue, cold, far, little, live, there, water, where. The children will write their words 3x each for homework by Tuesday.  They should write sentences by Wednesday.    The test will be on Friday. 

There was a mistake on the spelling list that went home on Friday, and the word “there” should have been spelled “their” but since many of the children already wrote their words 3X each, I am going to keep it as “there” on the spelling test.

Phonics– digraph th

                adding -s and-es

                -ed and -ing endings

Language Arts– proper nouns

Reading: We will read the story At Home in the Ocean.  The children will read it again at home.  There will be a Reading test on Friday.

Math– Chapter 5: related facts, missing numbers

Science– Sound

Social Studies- Our World

1AA News

Thank you to all for sending in the money for the “secret parent gifts” so quickly.  A few parents still need to send it in please!

The children have been practicing for our Christmas Musical that will be presented to the parents next Tuesday evening (12/18) at 7p.m.  You are in for a real treat!  Mr. DeVries will send a notice home about it this week.

The children are getting excited about our special Christmas lunchnext Wednesday (12/19).  Hopefully you have all signed up to send in an item for that day, and you will send in a wrapped book for your child by this Thursday (Shhh..it’s from Santa).

Reminder: Send in your child’s pizza money by Thursday morning.

Have a great week, and feel free to email me any time with questions or concerns: [email protected]