Welcome to Mrs. Flomer’s class notes!

Here’s a look at what we will be doing this week!

Spelling- There will be no new spelling words since it is a short week. We will be reviewing spelling words from the first 8 lessons. There will not be a spelling test this week.

Language Arts- We will complete lesson 9 after Thanksgiving weekend. This week we will work on reading comprehension stories about the Fall and the Pilgrims. No reading tests this week.

Math- test on addition strategies Wednesday; practice test Tuesday

Religion- Crossing the Red Sea

Social Studies- Unit 2- people change the land; transportation

Weekly Reader- Birds

1AA News

On Wednesday, 11/21, we will have a school wide Thanksgiving feast. Special desserts will be served in the classroom following the feast. There are a few children who have not returned their forms with their menu choice. Thank you to our class moms for all their help, and to those who are helping to serve!

Our Turkey Trot will be held after the school wide feast next Wednesday, 11/21. Many children have already sent in their forms to participate, and we encourage all the students to do so!

I look forward to meeting with each and every one of you at parent/teacher conferences this week. Dismissal is at noon on Wednesday and there is no school for the children on Thursday. If you have not already done so, please sign up online for a conference time: PTC.trinityli.org

Have a great week, and feel free to email me any time with questions or concerns: [email protected]