This week we will begin Unit 3 Week 3 in our curriculum, the topic being “Things That Move”. Our vocabulary will be: driver, passengers, safety, traffic, transportation, travel, vehicle. We will read I’m Your Bus, Carlo Likes Counting, and Dig Dig Digging.

In math we will review patterns and continue to review numbers 1-10. Please review 1-10 at home with your child as well.

During Jesus time we have been learning how different people in the bible were thankful for different things. This week the story of Elisha will remind us to be thankful for our homes. We have also already begun practicing our songs for our Christmas program!

For science we will be learning about corn and we will do a fun experiment by putting dried Indian Corn in a pan of water and watching over the next few weeks to see what happens. We will also put a dried corn cob in the microwave to see what happens. In art class we will make a corn project with Mrs. Kerwin.

Our letter this week is Ii. We will read “Inky Inchworm” and learn an Ii song. We will also make an Ii is for Igloo project.

This week we will begin taking out books from the library. We have library every Tuesday. The children will be able to choose a book and then return it the following Tuesday. If the book is not returned they will not be able to take out a new book.


  • Please send in $3 and the Turkey Trot permission slip if you have not already done so
  • School will be closed next Thursday and Friday November 28 and 29 for Thanksgiving

Have a blessed week!