This Week in Art

ECC ~ The classes will be gluing their birds together and building their bird’s nests with assorted media

Kindergarten ~ Word Art/We will be searching for magazine letters that spell words. Then we will draw a picture of the word that we spelled.

Gr. 1 ~ Watercolor/The class will be drawing a Spring picture which they will watercolor.

Gr. 2 ~ Self Portraits/It’s time to draw what you think you would look like if you were a Queen, King, Prince or Princess!

Gr. 3 ~  Winslow Homer/The class will hear a biography of this famous American artist, learn his painting technique, critique his paintings and paint a Sea and Sky picture or their own.

Gr. 4 ~ This week we will finish up our Bug’s Life drawings.

Gr. 5 ~ Grade Five will finish up their Optical Illusion projects today.

Gr. 6 ~ This is the last class to work on our portraits.  What a wonderful job everyone has done so far!

Gr. 7 ~  Word Art/Construction Paper Collage — This project takes a great deal of creativity and planning.  The students will need to glue down the letters that spell and form the exact shape of the image of the word they are spelling.  The class will be using colored construction paper and markers for this task.

Gr. 8 ~  We will be finishing up our Rotational Symmetry Name Designs this week.

Art Elective ~  The class is having fun creating their own Waterpark or Roadway system using paper towel rolls and paper plates.

Keep Creating and Enjoy Your Week!

Mrs. E. Kerwin