
REMINDER:  All Doodle4Google Art Contest Entries are due to Mrs. Kerwin by Tuesday, March 12, 2019. Good Luck Everyone!

ECC  Classes — Circus/Trapeze Artist, based on our lesson about A. Calder’s Circus of mobile sculptures

Kindergarten — Watercolors/Blending Colors, Spring Flower/Tulip

Gr. 1 — Bird’s Nest Project, final class

Gr. 2 — we are finishing up decorating our crosses based on our Tour of TLC crosses

Gr. 3 — Paper Towel Roll Sculptures/last week we learned “connecting techniques” with paper/cardboard sculpture which we will apply to creating our animal sculptures

Gr. 4 — this class is finishing up their Stencil Designs

Gr. 5 — Optical Illusionist Artists such as:  Victor Vasarely, Bridget Riley etc. will be studied as well as their 3D techniques.  We will apply these techniques to our Tunnel project

Gr. 6 — still working on our Abstract Name in a Frame Design

Gr. 7 — Weaving our Mug Rugs and doing GREAT!  One more class until completion!

Gr. 8 — we are finishing up coloring and applying details to our Large Flowers using chalk pastels

ART ELECTIVE:  Sanding and Painting our Paper Mache Sculptures

Keep Creating and Enjoy Your Week!

Mrs. E. Kerwin