Happy New Year and welcome back everyone!  I hope the 4th grade families enjoyed Christmas and the very long break.  We are back to business this week, starting new chapters and units in all of our subjects.  I’m looking forward to jump starting our learning!

WEEK: January 6-10

SPELLING: wiped, covered, mapped, pleasing, slipped, putting, traveled, seeking, visiting, mixed, shipped, phoning, offered, smelling, hiking, checking, fainted, landed, becoming, wandering

READING:  “Arctic Journal”; Vocabulary: display, alert, weariness, fractured, standards, vision, huddle, graceful, stranded, concluded

GRAMMAR: may, might, could, can, would, should, must

WRITING: writing New Year’s Resolutions

MATH: factors and divisibility

SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 6, Lesson 1Forming a Government, Lesson 2 The Economy of New York State

SCIENCE: Miniseries: Why is snow white?

RELIGION: Bible verses; daily devotions


  • Friday- Spelling, Reading, Grammar


  • Please be sure students are dressed for the weather.  School sweaters may be worn if they are cold in the building.


This week’s prayer video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kf8OlZbe-M