Math Grade 6

This week we will be continuing with module 10. This will explore the beginnings of Algebra. We discussed variables, coefficients, and constants and explored how translate words into an algebraic expression. This week we will focus on how to evaluate an expression when the value of the variable is given. There will be a quiz on Tuesday, 4/24 on translating expressions. Extra help is Wednesday mornings at 7:30.


Math Grade 7

The students are working on their statistics unit. We have already explored sample and populations, discussing bias and unbiased samples. Then we reviewed measures of center, such as mean, median, and mode, quartiles and how to construct of box and whisker plot. This week our focus will be on finishing up our sport statistic lab. At the end of the week we will be learning how to construct frequency tables and histograms. There will be a quiz on Tuesday, 4/24 on measures of center, measures of variation, and constructing box and whisker plots. Extra help is Wednesday morning at 7:30.



This week we will be focusing on using the distance formula to calculate the distance between two points.   This will lead us to finding the perimeter of various polygons. Graph paper would be helpful for this week.   Extra help is Wednesday mornings at 7:30. There will be a quiz on Friday, 4/27 on midpoint and distance formulas.



This week we are finishing up our chapter on Quadratics.   Students have explored the axis of symmetry, vertex, finding the roots, and solving quadratics using the zero property and completing the square. We also have practiced using the quadratic equation in word problems. There will be a quiz on Tuesday, 2/24 on lessons completing the square, using the quadratic formula, and applying these skills to word problems.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected].

Reminders and Important Dates

April 23rd– Spring Pictures

April 26th– Math Tournament