Welcome back for a new week. This week the students will be taking the Terra Nova exam, but the schedule has been adjusted so we will still be meeting for classes. Here is the news for this week:

7th Social Studies

This week the students will continue to learn about the struggles faced by the nations early leaders. They will be learning about how the British continued to provoke the U.S. even after we had won the war and officially declared independence. We will also study how the nation had to quickly develop a foreign policy to deal with not only the British, but also threats from the French.

8th Social Studies

This week the students will finish and present their projects on important figures who lived during the 1920s. We will then finish up our study of the 1920s by looking at the economy and how several seemingly small problems led to the Great Depression of the 1930s. The test on Chapter 22 will be on Friday, April 27th. The review will be posted next week.

8th Religion

This week we are finishing up Unit 4 with a lesson on Jonah. The students will also review Unit 4, and the test will be on Tuesday, April 24th. The review will be posted on Wednesday.