“Time flies when you’re having fun.” I’m not entirely sure who created this famous saying, but I definitely agree with its sentiment. This school year is flying by, and so far, it’s been a great one. Can you believe we are already in May? Here are the plans and topic for this week.

7th Social Studies

At the end of last week, the students watched a National Geographic documentary about the trials and triumphs of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. On Monday, they will complete a quiz on the content specific to the documentary. The last two sections of chapter 9 deal with the lead up to the War of 1812, and then the U.S. victory over Britain in the War of 1812, sometimes called the second revolution. The students will begin reviewing for the chapter test at the end of this week, The test will be given on Thursday, May 11th.

8th Social Studies

After studying the causes of and the personalities involved in World War II last week, next, we will delve into how the U.S. was involved in World War II. This week we will look at events both on the battlefields, and on the home front. This chapter also ties in with the reading Mrs. Saitta is having the students do in Language Arts class. While Mrs. Saitta focused on literature about the Holocaust, we are focusing on the military and political actions. In all, the students will have a full picture of what happened during these frightful years of history. Eighth grade will also have their test on chapter 24 on Thursday, May 11th.

8th Religion

After spending much of the school year studying the Old Testament, we have finally arrived in the New Testament! This week we will be studying the ministry of John the Baptist and Jesus beginning His earthly ministry. The memory verse for this week is 1 Peter 3:15, which is on page 109 in the student book.

Little Mermaid Jr. Announcements

This week we are running through Act I, which is scenes 1-11. The full cast needs to attend rehearsals on both Tuesday and Thursday. The stage crew will be posted this week and the crew will also be asked to begin attending rehearsals in order to become familiar with the show.