Greeting to all! Welcome back for a new week at Trinity. Here is the latest news from my classes:

7th Social Studies

This week we are starting the presidency of George Washington. In addition to learning all about the precedents that he set as the first president, we will be studying the birth of political parties. Many students are excited as we will be studying Alexander Hamilton, who has become a pop culture phenomenon thanks the the Broadway musical based on his life. We will also be comparing the first political parties with the modern day parties.

8th Social Studies

This week we will be wrapping our study of the 1920s. The students will be taking their chapter 22 test on Thursday, March 30th. The study guide is available here. They have also been hard at work researching the lives of important figures of the ’20s. The outline for the project is available on my last class notes entry. Next week we will delve into the Great Depression.

8th Religion

This week we are finishing up Unit 4 with a lesson on the examples set by King Josiah and prophecies of Isaiah and Jonah. We will also be completing an exercise evaluating the things in our own lives that take the place of/distract us from God, and how to change those habits into something that will build our faith journeys. The memory verse for this week is Romans 3:23-24, which is on page 95 in the student book.