Happy Spring, everyone! This week the 8th grade classes are going to Washington, D.C. on Thursday and Friday, but we still have plenty of work to complete before we leave. Here are the plans for this week.

7th Social Studies

On Tuesday, the seventh grade will have their test on chapter 7, Creating the Constitution. The study guide is available to view here, and extra help will be on Tuesday morning before school at 7:45 a.m. The students will then present the songs and artwork they created based on the Bill of Rights. They really showed great creativity in their projects, and I look forward to their performances. Later in the week the students will be studying the process of becoming a naturalized citizen and how the three branches of government work together.

8th Social Studies

Eighth Grade will be wrapping up their study of the 1920s. We will focus on the economic problems that led to the Great Depression. To supplement our unit on the 1920s, the students have chosen important figures from the ’20s and will be putting together a biographical presentation to share with the class. The project is due on Friday, March 31st, and the guidelines may be found here.

8th Religion

Firstly, due to the short week, there is no memory verse for this week. In class, we have been studying the Kings of Israel. Right now we are up to King Ahaz, who while he was a political leader, was very much a follower of the poor example of the idolatrous kings before him. He participated in idol worship that was considered an “abomination” to God. This week, however, we will study one of the good Kings, Hezekiah. We will especially focus on his prayer and how we should pray following his example.

8th Grade families, we will see you bright and early (6:30 a.m.) Thursday morning as we head to D.C.!