Math Grade 6

This week the students are beginning Module 8. This module covers percents. Students will be converting percents to fractions, fractions to percents, percents to decimals, and decimals to percents. Students will also be solving percent problems using proportions and equivalent ratios. There are not any tests or quizzes this week. Extra help is Wednesday mornings at 7:30,


Math Grade 7

The students are continuing with Geometry. We have learned about various angles such as complementary, supplementary, vertical, and adjacent. We also explored finding the area and circumference of circles. Students also explored how to find the area of rectangles, triangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids. This week we will be finding the area of irregular and shaded figures. There will be a quiz on finding the area of irregular and shaded figures on Thursday, 3/1. The students will also be participating in an area lab this week as well.




We are beginning our next unit on two- dimensional geometry. We will be exploring translations, reflections, rotations and symmetry. Graph paper will be very helpful for this unit. There will be a quiz on the topics above on Friday, 3/2.



This week students are continuing with Chapter 8. This unit explores polynomials, monomials, factoring, FOIL method of multiplying binomials, and D.O.T.S (Difference of two squares). This week the focus will be on factoring binomials and factoring by grouping. There will be a quiz on Monday, 3/5 on factoring.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected].


Reminders and Important Dates

March 9th– No School Professional Conference Day

March 20th– Honor Society Inductions 7:00 PM

March 21st– Trimester 2 Ends

March 22nd-23rd– 8th Grade Trip to Washington D.C.