Here’s a look at what we will be doing this week!

Spelling- The new words for this week are: me, be, these, read, feet, tree, keep, eat, mean, sea, about, could, maybe, these. The spelling test will be on Friday. The children will write their 14 spelling words 3x each by Tuesday. They should write 8 sentences by Wednesday. The spelling test will be on Friday.

Phonics- long e: ea, ee, e_e; -ink

Language Arts- compound sentences

Writing- Narrative writing: sentences about themselves

Reading: The story this week is The Big Trip. Please have your child read it at home before the test. The focus will be on what the characters say and how they feel in the story, and how the characters are the same and different. The “R” book words are: about, by, car, could, don’t, maybe, sure, there. The reading tests will be given on Friday.

Math- review for chapter 7 test on Tuesday, 2/6; practice test will be on Monday

Science- Finish chapter 3 on Light; test next Thursday

Social Studies- Life Long Ago

Have a great week, and email me with any questions or concerns: [email protected]