Welcome to Mrs. Flomer’s class notes!


I hope everyone had a great weekend!


Here’s a look at what we will be doing this week!


Spelling– The words for this week are: yet, web, pen, wet, leg, hen. The “R” book words are: all, me, does, my, here, who. The children will write all 12 words 3x each for homework by Thursday. There will be a Spelling test on Friday on all the words.


Phonics– We will focus on the sounds of short e, y, w, k, v, j.


Language Arts– adjectives


Reading: We will read the story Lucia’s Neighborhood . The children will bring home their Reading book to read the story again at home.   There will be Reading tests on Friday. As usual, the vocabulary part of the test will have the “R” book words.   The children should read Lucia’s Neighborhood and focus on what the pictures show, and the labels on the pictures in the story. There is a short fable of “The City Mouse and the Country Mouse” in the reading book (pages 114-116) and the children will have to compare it to Lucia’s Neighborhood (how they are the same and different). There are also a few questions on the test about ABC order of words.


Math– We will be reviewing the concepts learned in Chapter 2 (subtraction). They will take a practice test in class on Wednesday, and they can use it to study for Thursday’s test.

Social Studies– Our Neighbors

Weekly Reader– Meet Tedd Arnold (author of the Fly Guy books)


1AA News


Friday, October 6th was the last day to wear uniform shorts. Shoes must be worn from now on. Please make sure your child has sneakers in school for gym class.

Please send in the class party money this week if you haven’t already done so.


Book orders are due by Thursday.   You can send in your order, or do it online at Scholastic.com

Remember to send in your child’s pizza money by Thursday morning of each week. The ladies do the pizza count at noon each Thursday.

Have a great week, and feel free to email me any time with questions or concerns: [email protected]