It’s a busy week :

reading: passage: Old Yeller, vocabulary and comprehension test Friday We are reading a book titled: The Dog Who Thought He Was Santa. It’s a great story about trust and family. Test with vocabulary when we are done reading.
Grammar: direct and indirect objects: test Friday.
Writing: We are finishing our procedural sandwich writing and learning about comparing and contrasting in writing.
Spelling: vowel with r words. Reader’s Notebook pages 76-78 due Thursday. Test Friday.

Math: Chapter 5: Dividing Decimals. Test Decmeber 19th.

S.S: Chapter 8: European Rivalries in North America: Take home test Test December 13th.
Science: We have worked on our pamphlet. We will fonish chapter 5.

Bible: Daily devotions, We will be talking about the birth of Jesus, looking in God’s Word at it. Patience is the word of the month. We will be exploring what God has to say about this. Verse test Dec. 14; James 1:19-20.

Work back Wednesday Folders will go home this week. Please sign and return on Thursday.
Please send in a gift and card for your child’s knidergarten buddy as soon as possible.
Envelopes and stamps for Make A Wish Santa letters were due Monday. If you haven’t sent one in, please do as soon as you can.
Thank you for your support.

As I was shopping this weekend, I found myself thinking aobut the gifts I can give others that don’t even require going to a store or money.Things like kind words or a listening ear. Then I wondered if there was anything I could give God this season. Romans 11:33-36 is a song of praise to HIm. That’s a great gift I can give the Lord, my praise. Verse 36 calls us to give ourselves to Him. This is not always easy but I strive to continually give my life, my faith, my trust to God. What be tter thing can I do but give the One who created me what He desires?
I hope this has encouraged you in some small way. Mrs. Lively