Our class is reading the novel, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, by Judy Blume.  Like me, many of you probably remember reading this when you were young!  It’s a timeless story.  The students will be bringing class copies of the book home to answer chapter questions one or two nights a week.  Please encourage them to take good care of the books and to return them to school each day.

Week: October 23-27

Spelling: aloud, bald, hawk, south, faucet, proud, claw, tower, stalk, couple, howl, false, dawn, allow, drown, pause, fault, cause, amount, cloudier Challenge Words: applaud, fowl, browse, gnaw, doubt

Reading:  Anchor text, “Me and Uncle Romie”;  read aloud, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing

Grammar:  Past, present, and future tenses

Writing:  Writing a fictional narrative

Math:  Test on Chapter 2; multiplying by tens, using area models

TESTS this week:

  • Tuesday – Math Chapter 2
  • Thursday – Memory Quiz
  • Friday – Spelling test


  • There will be Math Extra Help this Tuesday, 10/24 at 7:30am
  • Friday is our first class party.  Thanks to Mrs. Reid and Mrs. Thelusca for offering to be our class moms.  Please be sure to see the note they are sending home to families this week.

This Week’s Prayer Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy4ytwKfjBI