Math Grade 6

We are working on module 10. This week we will work on evaluating expressions, distributing, factoring, and combining like terms. There will be a quiz on Tuesday, 4/4 on distributing and combining like terms.  After two days of review, the unit test will be on Friday, April 7th.  Extra help is Wednesday morning at 7:45.


Math Grade 7


This week we are beginning a new unit on statistics. We will be covering measures of center, measures of variation, and various central tendency application problems.  Students will also be constructing histograms, box and whisker plots, and dot plots.  Extra help is Wednesday morning at 7:45.




This week we will begin our unit on Pythagorean theorem, distance, and midpoints. Extra help is Wednesday morning at 7:45.





We are working on chapter 9. This week our focus will be on solving systems of quadratic equations.  Later in the week we will begin our unit review.  The test will be at some point during the week of April 10th.

Extra help is by appointment.



If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected].


Reminders and Important Dates


April 3rd-7th– Terra Nova Testing

Please make sure to have at least two #2 pencils.